Basic Singing or Vocal Techniques

Basic Singing or Vocal Technique is a course designed to provide students with a solid foundation in singing and vocal performance. It focuses on developing essential skills and techniques necessary for effective singing and vocal expression.

Basic Singing or Vocal Technique is a course designed to provide students with a solid foundation in singing and vocal performance. It focuses on developing essential skills and techniques necessary for effective singing and vocal expression.

Throughout the course, students will learn about proper breathing techniques, vocal warm-ups, and exercises to improve vocal range, control, and flexibility. They will also explore concepts such as posture, diction, and articulation, which are crucial for clear and expressive singing.

The course covers the basics of vocal anatomy and physiology, helping students understand how the vocal mechanism works and how to maintain vocal health. Students will also learn about vocal resonance, tone production, and vocal projection, enabling them to produce a rich and resonant sound.

In addition to technical aspects, the course emphasizes musicality and interpretation. Students will learn how to interpret and convey emotions through their singing, as well as how to interpret and perform different musical styles and genres.

Practical exercises and repertoire selection are integral parts of the course, allowing students to apply the techniques they have learned and develop their singing skills. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in basic singing or vocal technique, equipping them with the necessary skills to confidently perform and express themselves through singing.


Understanding the art and act of singing. How singing works, the power and purpose of singing, the health benefits of singing, singing as a therapy, the other uses of songs in society


An introduction to the Voice – as an entity, anatomy of the human, voice – the generators, articulator, resonators, Posture, the Ear and Central nervous system


Voice types and Qualities – male and female, soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Voice range and compass, voice brake and maturation


Singing the scale – the major Diatonic, natural minor scale, Harmonic and melodic minor, chromatic and pentatonic scales

MODULE 5: Practical exercises/sight singing. Applied

1. Basic litracy certificate or remedial certificate

2. Applicants should posses a vocal instrument

3. A good listener

4. Passionate and open to learnibg

Students will be provided with a list of solo works to choose from

Basic Certificate in Vocal Techniques

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